All images were shot with natural/available light in Minneapolis, MN between March - November of 2018. I'm very inspired by symbolic and vivid lucid dreams, as well as dystopian sci-fi classics like "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" and 2001: A Space Odyssey, among others. There is beauty in the dark and mysterious. I'm curious about the future of humanity and the long term effects immersive technology will have on our psyche. I want to find all the hidden places where the spirit still dwells in this kind of future.
“Copy, of a copy, of a copy. Will they taste things the same way we do, brush the hair from their eyes haphazardly, wipe the sweat from their lips, thankful. I want to know where their memories go, the old ones, dusty and distorted. Do they come back through their subconscious gradually, hazy like the old days or slam into them instantly, pouring enthusiastically like the sound of a bang.”
Model: David Chang/CROIG
”I dreamt of the future once where we created synthetic birds. Only the healthiest kind with only the best feathers. Petite but with larger lungs for their beautiful song to hit all the right notes that please us so. They even had a pulse, like the real thing. It was New Years, the moon was out, the air was damp and calculated and they were quiet.”